Youtube converters are now taking attention of Internet users...Earlier it was very difficult to convert or download a youtube file to our disk. But now, you can download a file in formats like AVI, MPG, MP4, WMV,3gp(Mobile). You can convert either by using online application(such as youtubeconverter) or by downloading an application software. You can use free softwares like YoutubeConverter that supports fast conversion. Some online applications supports mp3 formats as well. Try now....and feel the freedom!!!
At present, Each Mobile device has got its own emulators. Some useful IPAD emulators that help application developers to build device specific applications: A List is given below: AIR IPAD Pre requisite : Adobe AIR Remark: Working smoothly.. Some minor problems have been discovered like low browsing speed, screen flickering etc. JQuery mobile plugin is not working It is still in its ALFA stage Link : To test your web app just copy it on to the Application root folder. iOS SDK Current Version : 4 iOS SDK comes with builtin emulators, this helps developers to test their application before implementation ONLINE EMULATORS Some useful online emulators IPAD Peek: IPhone Tester: Opera Mini - Demo: T-Mobile Emulator: ...
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